Bringing In The Research Dollars! (BiRD)

Pfizer Quality Improvement Grant: Building Capacity to Address Health Disparities

Deadline: October 06, 2022 11 pm

Amount: Up to $100,000 but smaller grant amounts are encouraged


The Pfizer Quality Improvement Grant Program, Building Capacity to Address Health Disparities in the United States through Antimicrobial Stewardship Telehealth & Tele-mentoring, solicits proposals to build capacity to address identified health disparities in antimicrobial stewardship in underserved patient populations through telehealth and tele-mentoring services.

Projects that will be considered for Pfizer support will focus on:

  • Building antimicrobial stewardship capacity in lower-resourced hospital settings o Implementation of antimicrobial stewardship interventions using telehealth and tele-mentoring to address identified health disparities
  • Impact of such interventions on a variety of outcome categories, including but not limited to clinical outcomes, population outcomes, collateral damage (e.g., antimicrobial resistance, toxicity/adverse effects, selection of pathogenic organisms such as Clostridioides difficile), process measures (e.g., adherence to clinical pathways, time to appropriate therapy), and costs
  • Communities with a high social vulnerability index, high rates of antibiotic use, and / or high rates of antibiotic resistance
  • Healthcare provider training on implicit and explicit bias and health literacy in addition to infectious diseases management, infection prevention, antimicrobial resistance and stewardship, and diagnostic stewardship
  • Use of community advisory boards to infuse the patient perspective into hospital antimicrobial stewardship efforts

Note that this program does not support clinical research and that projects encompassing systematic and continuous actions that directly impact patient care and include measurable outcomes via a methodologically rigorous approach will be prioritized.

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