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Patients & Families

Family Education Day is an annual event designed to provide useful information to parents, spouses, and patients. With an informal tone, it allows families to receive education from CF providers and ask questions without the time constraints that occur during clinic visits. The subjects of the presentations change with each event, but recent topics have included managing health care benefits and patient assistance programs, lung transplantation, transition from pediatrics to adult care, and CF-related diabetes. Beginning in 2014, the education day for the Scottish Rite clinic was combined with the Emory+Children's event. This traditionally happens in the spring and our hope would be to base this program on requests from patients and families. We also have another event in the fall, which focuses more on the latest developments in the science of CF. We plan to record all presentations make them available online for patients to view, as they cannot attend due to infection control policies.

Videos from 2015 CF Education Day, you can view the agenda here:

Meet the Team

Nael McCarty, PhD

Center Director - CF-AIR and Marcus Professor of Cystic Fibrosis

Benjamin Kopp, MD, MPH, ATSF

Co-Director of CF-AIR and Director of the Pulmonary Sickle Cell Program

Arlene Stecenko, MD

Scientific Director, CF Discovery Core and CF Biospecimen Repository

Marvin Whiteley, PhD

Co-Director, Emory-Children’s CF Center (CF@LANTA)

Kymry Jones, PhD

Associate Director, CF@LANTA Research

Clovis Sarmiento, MD

Associate Director, Programs Emory+Children’s CF Center of Excellence (CF@LANTA), Health Equity, and Coordinated Pediatric Pathway Planning Office (C3PO)

Upcoming Events

Mon Feb 171:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Chiara Zurla
Thu Feb 203:00PM-4:00PM
GENI Research in Progress Seminar
Mon Feb 241:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- TBD
Mon Mar 31:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Rachel Kinsella
Mon Mar 101:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Jeremy Boss
Mon Mar 171:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Monica Farley
Mon Mar 241:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar-Lisa Marie Cranmer
Mon Mar 311:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar-Christopher John Neufeldt
Fri Apr 48:30AM-5:30PM
Emory Physician Scientist Symposium
Mon Apr 71:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Rafael Medina

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