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  • NIH selects biomedical engineer/hematologist for Emerging Investigator Award & $5 million grant thumbnail Photo

    NIH selects biomedical engineer/hematologist for Emerging Investigator Award & $5 million grant

    May 03, 2019

    The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health has chosen Wilbur Lam, MD, PhD, to receive an Emerging Investigator Award, including a seven-year grant of $5 million to Emory University. The award is one of only seven NHLBI emerging investigator awards nationally this year.

  • Susan Margulies Wants to Protect Your Brain thumbnail Photo

    Susan Margulies Wants to Protect Your Brain

    March 29, 2019

    Your brain is precious. And that's what drives the work of Susan Margulies. When Margulies arrived at Georgia Tech and Emory University in August 2017, our state had landed one of the world’s foremost experts in traumatic brain injury.

  • Squishing blood stem cells could facilitate harvest for transplants thumbnail Photo

    Squishing blood stem cells could facilitate harvest for transplants

    March 19, 2019

    Scientists at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Georgia Tech have found that modulating blood-forming stem cells’ stiffness could possibly facilitate mobilization procedures used for stem cell-based transplants.

  • Starving leukemia cells by targeting amino acids thumbnail Photo

    Starving leukemia cells by targeting amino acids

    March 11, 2019

    Cancer cells consume sugar at a higher rate than healthy cells, but they’re also hungry for amino acids, the building blocks of proteins and other biomolecules. Researchers at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University have discovered a way to exploit that hunger to selectively block the growth of leukemias. The results were published online Monday, March 11 in Nature Metabolism.

  • Emory continues high rankings in NIH research funding with Pediatrics ranking 4th thumbnail Photo

    Emory continues high rankings in NIH research funding with Pediatrics ranking 4th

    March 11, 2019

    The Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research has posted its 2018 rankings of schools and departments by NIH funding, and Emory once again scores among the nation’s most elite universities. Overall, Emory University is ranked 18th in the nation in NIH institutional funding.  

  • Sifting through signs of inflammation to analyze causes of Crohn’s disease thumbnail Photo

    Sifting through signs of inflammation to analyze causes of Crohn’s disease

    March 11, 2019

    When studying Crohn's disease, an inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, a challenge is separating out potential causes from the flood of systemic inflammation inherent in the condition. Researchers led by Subra Kugathasan, MD recently published an analysis that digs under signs of inflammation, in an effort to assess possible causes.

  • A New Treatment Can Relieve Food Allergies, But Few Doctors Offer It thumbnail Photo

    A New Treatment Can Relieve Food Allergies, But Few Doctors Offer It

    March 05, 2019

    Yet for many, to be able to tolerate even one or two whole peanuts without symptoms is life-changing. "It provides that additional margin of safety," says Dr. Brian Vickery, an allergist-immunologist at Emory University. "By undergoing this type of treatment, they can move around in the world with more peace of mind."

  • First genetic clue for elusive pediatric liver disease thumbnail Photo

    First genetic clue for elusive pediatric liver disease

    March 05, 2019

    The story of Meredith Brown, a biliary atresia patient wouldn’t be alive today if not for the transplant team at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, which includes Emory doctors and researchers.