An Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee whose primary responsibility is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects in research.  All research activities involving human subjects must be reviewed and approved by an IRB unless the IRB can prospectively determine that the research falls into a category of exemption established by federal regulation.

  • How do I determine the IRB when both Children’s and Emory are engaged: Which IRB Do I Submit To? Click here to determine
  • How do I know whether I should submit a reliance request to the Emory IRB, Children's IRB, or both?  Click here and scroll to important guidance about the reliance process

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta IRB reviews the following:

  • All research conducted under the supervision of a PI who is solely employed by Children’s
  • Research conducted by a Pediatric Institute employee that involves the review of Children’s medical records, surveys, interviews, or questionnaires (regardless of funding)
  • Research conducted by a Pediatric Institute employee that is an industry sponsored clinical trial or a COG-funded study

For complete information and submission details, visit the Children's IRB website.


Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Institutional Review Board Office
1575 Northeast Expressway
Support II, 3rd Floor
Atlanta, GA 30329

Telephone:  404-785-7555

Emory IRB reviews the following:

  • All research involving adults with an Emory PI
  • Research involving pediatrics with an Emory or Pediatric Institute PI

IRB Authorization Agreement (IAA) Acknowledgement form must also be sumbited to CHOA IRB  - excludes research that is limited to medical record review (see CHOA IRB page)

Additional information needed during the submission process:

Cost Option:

The study team will receive this via email from either RAS or Children's ORA at the same time the IRB receives it. Once the determination has been received, the study team should insert into the appropriate section of the consent.

In Case of Injury (ICOI):

This part of the consent is verified by the contracts office. It is internally communicated to IRB via eGTS or eCTS. The study team should insert into the consent once a determination has been made.

For complete information and submission details, visit the Emory IRB website.

Emory University Institutional Review Board
1599 Clifton Road NE, 5th Floor 
Atlanta, GA 30322
Telephone: (404) 712-0720
Toll Free:   (877) 503-9797
Fax:          (404) 727-1358