Facilitated by NIH P30DK125013, the Georgia Cystic Fibrosis (GACF) Core Center is seeking to support two pilot projects focused on studies of cystic fibrosis disease pathogenesis and/or intervention.

Eligibility: Applicants for P30 P/F funding are limited to individuals with an independent faculty appointment. High quality proposals are invited from investigators at Emory, Georgia Tech, Morehouse School of Medicine, Georgia State University, University of Georgia, and Augusta University. Eligible investigators generally fall into one of the three following categories:

  1. Junior faculty without significant CF grant support (i.e., an NIH R01).
  2. Established scientists with no previously funded work in CF, who wish to apply their expertise to a problem in this area.
  3. Experienced CF investigators who propose testing innovative ideas that represent a clear departure from their established research program.

Desired features of P30 pilots: Projects should reflect overall research goals of the Georgia CF Core Center. Areas of emphasis include molecular mechanisms of CF pathogenesis, CF‐related diabetes (CFRD), CF‐related liver disease (CFLD), gastrointestinal complications, diet/nutrition, role or impact of exercise, or other topics relevant to the NIDDK P30 mechanism. Note: Projects focused on strictly pulmonary aspects of CF will not be considered, unless tied to NIDDK‐relevant complications of CF (e.g., CFRD).

Proposed studies should also utilize capabilities provided by one or more of the Georgia CF Core Center facilities. These include the Diabetes, Endocrine, and GI/Liver Core; Nutrition, Lifestyles, and Behavior Core; and Clinical Research and Informatics Core (https://cfatl.org/research-resources).

Projects with the following additional features will be given particular consideration:

  • Highest quality science, with an emphasis on innovative basic, translational, or clinical research.
  • Initiatives that establish interdisciplinary research teams and/or new partnerships between basic and clinical investigators.
  • High risk-high impact studies with strong potential to obtain extramural funding.

Process: Eligible investigators are invited to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) that will be reviewed by the GACF P30 P&F Program Committee. Investigators with the highest quality LOIs will be invited to submit a full proposal, which will be formatted similar to an NIH R21. Full proposals will be evaluated by both internal and external consultants using standard NIH criteria.

LOI details

  1. Research proposal (two-page limit, not including references): One page should address Specific Aims in NIH-standard format. The second page should be used to describe the Overall Hypothesis, Significance, Innovation, Investigator(s), Summary of Approach, Plan for Extramural Proposal Submission, and feasibility for successfully accomplishing the goals of the project within two years. Be sure to include how the project will either make use of existing GACF Core Center facilities or build upon them.
  2. Budget justification (one-page limit): Requisite costs should be described in broad terms. PI salary support may not exceed 1% of the proposed budget, and the NIH salary cap should be applied. Unallowed expenses include equipment greater than $5,000, personal computers, and travel costs.
  3. Biosketch (NIH‐style): Biosketches should be provided for the PI and any other key personnel.

Deadline: LOI packets should be submitted by 5:00pm ET on March 10, 2025.

Questions: Contact Dr. Kathryn Oliver, GACF Core Center, P30 P&F Program Director (kolive3@emory.edu).

More info: https://emory.infoready4.com/#freeformCompetitionDetail/1964819