Share your noteworthy research achievements with a broader audience using the brief "Research Wows" submission form!
The information you provide will be used for a) internal and external reporting on metrics and impact, and b) potential news and media coverage.
What type of information should I share?
- Impactful publications that have been accepted or published
- New, major grants that have been awarded
- New, major professional/service awards, distinctions, or recognitions received
- Other noteworthy research-related achievements (such as patents, IND, clinical trials, etc.)
Who will receive this information?
- Pediatric research center Program Managers and Center Directors
- Pediatric research leadership
- Marketing and communications teams
When should I share my “Research Wows”?
As soon as possible! While we will accept your “Research Wows” at any time for purposes such as internal reporting, the following timing is important to keep in mind for news and media purposes:
- Accepted for publication in a journal
- About to receive a notice of award for funding
- Research that has received funding and is about to start but no data has been collected yet
Note from Children’s Marketing: We cannot promote research that is ongoing. We want to break the news so that it is more likely to be picked up by media. If you’d like to make public relations aware of your news immediately, please feel free to also email Julie.Kuchta@choa.org.
What are the possible benefits of submitting my “Research Wows”?
Internal coverage (e.g., within Children’s and Emory)
- Kudos and Research Newsletters
- Careforce Connection and Careforce Chronicle
External coverage (for the public)
- Researcher spotlights on emory.edu
- Press Release on choa.org and/or emory.edu
- Features on pedsresearch.org
- Local, trade and national news, including radio and broadcast
- Social media, including Children’s and Emory main channels
- Annual Research Report
- Video features