The Pediatric Residency Investigative Scholars at Emory (PRISE) track develops high caliber pediatric physician scientists with the potential for long-term impact on child health. PRISE track residents include both MDs, DOs, and MD/PhDs with strong interests in academic medicine. Graduates of the PRISE track have strong professional identities as pediatrician physician scientists and are competitive for career development awards (e.g. NICHD-funded K12 program, K08, K23, K99/R00). The track emphasizes creating a tailored, flexible, and supportive environment for each resident to conduct their highest caliber research while learning to provide excellent clinical care.
Residents choose between four options: a general track, and NHLBI-funded R38, an Integrated Research Pathway (IRP), or an Accelerated Research Pathway (ARP). All four options contain the same key elements, with the PRISE+ Physician Scientist Training Program tracks (R38, IRP, and ARP options) providing additional research rotations and monetary support.
By the Numbers:
- Launched in 2020, R38 pathway added in 2023
- 15 residents in General Pathway, 2 in IRP, 1 in Emory PP-StARR R38
- 12 Alumni with the following outcomes:
- 10 in Fellowship (Neonatology, A/I, Hem/Onc, Critical Care, Pulmonology)
- 30 oral and poster presentations
- 16 publications
- 7 research grants
- Honored by ACAAI SPARK Award, AMSPDC Frontiers in Science Symposium
Key elements of PRISE:
All PRISE residents have an intake consultation with the PRISE Co-Directors to discuss their clinical and research goals. From this intake meeting, PRISE residents create individual development plans that include strategically planning their research electives, creating a project timeline, and a scholarly submission pipeline.
Over the course of residency, PRISE researchers will also receive:
- Concierge mentor matching for both a research mentor and a career mentor
- Assistance in developing an application for the competitive Buchter Resident Research Award
- Vertical integration with Medical Scientist Training Program students and junior faculty K12 scholars and mentors
- Participation in science writing curricula and workshops
- Financial support for conference attendance and publication cost
- Monthly research career development activities covering topics like:
- Grant preparation: specific aims page, research strategy, biosketch, etc.
- How to write a conference abstract, case report, and manuscript
- Communication skills: presenting research and social media
- Human subjects research and IRB protocols
- Mentor/mentee relationships
- Work/life balance and time management
Our ERAS ID Numbers:
We encourage all R38, IRP, and ARP applicants to apply to and rank both numbers below. General Pathway residency applicants should use the categorical ERA ID only. Matched residents are asked to submit research and career goals for PRISE in fall of PGY1 to assist with the mentor matching process.
- PSTP Program: 1113320C1
- Categorical Residency Program: 1113320C0

Pediatric Residency Investigative Scholars at Emory (PRISE): This track is designed to provide tailored, flexible support for residents interested in research and academic medicine. A key element of this track will be connecting residents with research mentors in their areas of interest. Here is a list of our Resident Research Champions: