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Children’s Heart Research and Outcomes Center (HeRO)

The Heart Research and Outcomes Center (HeRO) seeks to reduce the morbidity of pediatric heart disease. Our Center will lead the transformation of focused cardiac research in to innovative therapies for young patients.  Major areas of research include Regenerative and Nanomedicine Technologies, Cardiac Development, Cardiac Outcomes, Cardiac Devices, and Neurodevelopmental Studies. 

HeRO Website


At HeRO we strive to create the next generation of pediatric-specific therapies.  We do this through cutting edge research using nanotechnology, stem cells, and better understanding of normal and abnormal cardiovascular development.  We also look at the whole picture: what will happen to these children as they age from a neurodevelopmental standpoint.  By researching both daily function and long-term outcomes, we hope to have a better understanding of how we can help these children regain normal function.  Our research blends fundamental basic science, with translational and clinical medicine to improve the quality of life of children with CHD.  To view the HeRO website, click here.

Meet the Team

Upcoming Events

Mon Mar 241:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar-Christopher Neufeldt, PhD
Mon Mar 311:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar-Lisa Marie Cranmer
Fri Apr 48:30AM-5:30PM
Emory Physician Scientist Symposium
Mon Apr 71:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Rafael Medina
Mon Apr 141:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Dariana Torres Riveira
Mon Apr 211:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Sara Sagadiev
Mon Apr 281:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Chris Scharer
Mon May 51:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Erin Scherer
Mon May 121:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Devyani Joshi
Mon May 191:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Ashish Sharma

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