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Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Pediatric Technology Center at Georgia Tech (PTC)

The mission of the Pediatric Technology Center is to establish the world’s leading program in the development of technological solutions for children’s health. 

Modern biomedical research has made great strides in science and technology that impacts health care, but for the most part these advances have targeted adult populations. While children are often not included in clinical studies, the greatest impact in many areas of health care could be made by identifying and treating disease at the youngest possible age. Children present distinct challenges in all aspects of research and development: they have a different physiology than adults, they grow and change in ways that adults do not, and market drivers for research and commercialization are often seen as less compelling by the private sector.

To accelerate the pace of practical discovery in pediatric medicine, scientists and engineers at the Georgia Institute of Technology work with clinicians and scientists at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and other partners on the engineering challenges of translating basic research to clinical practice. These efforts define the Pediatric Technology Center, the only organization in the U.S. designed to address this critical gap.  Here, fundamental insights and new tools are combined to develop better ways to diagnose, treat, and cure diseases and conditions that affect children. 

The Pediatric Technology Center is led by its Co-Directors, Dr. Stanislav Emelianov (Georgia Tech) and Dr. Wilbur Lam (Children's), and a versatile team with expertise in the following research pillars:

Research Pillars

Pillar 1 PIC TEST

The data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) pillar aims to use artificial intelligence to provide personalized and predictive care, establish standardized infrastructure for data collection, and define and institute AI ethics practices that support equity for clinical use. This pillar centers on the creation of the Children’s-Georgia Tech Pediatric AI collaboration, bringing leading-edge pediatric AI into clinical practice and training care providers with AI application in medicine.

Pillar 2 Pic

Patient-centered care delivery is dedicated to improving pediatric health through integrated care. This pillar will lead to new approaches in addressing barriers to healthcare access, with an initial focus on behavioral health, healthcare access for children and families in rural areas and patients with chronic illnesses from underserved areas. We will take a holistic view of care and delivery around the “whole child,” including the child’s physical, psychological, social and emotional needs as well as the needs of their families, caregivers and environments.

Pillar 3 Pic

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta depends on all types of technology to diagnose, treat and care for patients, and collaborating with Georgia Tech engineers is crucial to continue to improve technologies and devices in order to provide the best care. The need for innovation is great, and the solution lies with the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Pediatric Technology Center at Georgia Tech (PTC). New technologies and devices will create integrated systems of care that guide patients through health services. As healthcare technology advances and developments in these devices dramatically improve health outcomes, safety and quality, there is an increasing gap between new technology applied in adult medicine and in pediatric healthcare due to the focus on adult patients.

Meet the Team

Wilbur Lam, MD, PhD

PTC Co-Director/Interim Pillar 3 Co-Lead

Stanislav Emelianov, PhD

PTC Co-Director/Interim Pillar 3 Co-Lead

Erin Henderson

Lead Research Project and Grants Manager

Trina Paden

Sr. Program and Operations Manager

Christopher Jackson

Administrative Assistant

Upcoming Events

Mon Mar 241:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar-Christopher Neufeldt, PhD
Mon Mar 311:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar-Lisa Marie Cranmer
Fri Apr 48:30AM-5:30PM
Emory Physician Scientist Symposium
Mon Apr 71:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Rafael Medina
Mon Apr 141:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Dariana Torres Riveira
Mon Apr 211:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Sara Sagadiev
Mon Apr 281:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Chris Scharer
Mon May 51:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Erin Scherer
Mon May 121:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Devyani Joshi
Mon May 191:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Ashish Sharma

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