The Young Investigator grant is a three-year award designed to support early career researchers, such as postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows or instructors, pursuing promising childhood cancer research ideas. These grants aim to cultivate the best and brightest researchers of the future who demonstrate a commitment to a research career in pediatric cancer. A mentor is required, and a career development plan must be included.
Applicant Eligibility:
At the time of application
- Applicant institutions must be based in the United States or Canada. Applicants need not be United States citizens. Funds must be granted to nonprofit institutions or organizations.
- Applicants must have an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD or equivalent and must not have achieved an appointment higher than Instructor. Assistant Professors, including adjuncts at this level, will not be considered. In addition:
- Applicants from accredited clinical fellowship programs are automatically eligible for the duration of their training and during their first three years at the Instructor level.
- Applicants not from accredited clinical fellowship programs must meet the following criteria:
- Applicants holding an MD or MD/PhD must be within seven years from the granting of the last doctoral degree at the time of application.
- Applicants holding a PhD must be within four years from the granting of the last doctoral degree at the time of application.
- A minimum of 75% of the applicant’s time during the Young Investigator period must be allocated as non-clinical protected time for all research activities. This percentage of time includes both Young Investigator activities and the applicant’s other research responsibilities.
- Research mentor(s) must be identified and have a track record in pediatric cancer research. If no such record exists, a co-mentor with such a record must be identified. The application must document the mentor(s) involvement in experimental design and execution. A detailed plan for training activities is required.
At the time of application or successful award
- Applicants must not hold an NIH independent (R or P Award) or individual training (F or K Award) grant. Institutional training grants (KL2, K12, T32) are permitted. Funding from other foundations is permitted provided there is no scientific or budgetary overlap.
Scope of Proposal
- Proposals must fall within the scope of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s mission, focused on childhood cancers. Proposals with a sole/primary focus on patients >19 years of age will not be considered.
- Translational and Clinical Research Projects are encouraged.