The Autism Secondary Data Analysis program supports applied research through analysis of existing databases or administrative records to improve health outcomes, and the quality, efficiency, and accessibility of health care services for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities (DD) across the lifespan. This program will fund up to eight 2-year grants.

  • You should propose analysis of existing national data sets or administrative records.
  • We will not consider projects that include the collection of data or biological specimens. This program funds secondary analysis of existing national databases and administrative data on MCH populations, including children and adolescents with Autism/DD.
  • You are expected to establish an early-stage investigator (ESI)[1] and senior investigator pair as co-investigators.
  •  Ensure you apply to the correct funding opportunity.
    ◦    Applications on Autism topics that are incorrectly submitted to HRSA-25-023 MCH SDAR will not be considered.
    ◦    Applications on general MCH topics that are incorrectly submitted to HRSA-25-024 Autism SDAR will not be considered.
  • An individual cannot be named as the project director (PD) or principal investigator (PI) on more than one application for each program (MCH SDAR and Autism SDAR).
  • A PD/PI cannot have two active awards at the same time with HRSA/MCHB/OER/DOR. An award in a no-cost extension year is considered active and the PD/PI is not allowed to receive another award unless the PD/PI decides to step down from their role in the previously funded award.
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