CF-AIR Research Workshop Seminar Series: Ronit Freeman, PhD
Location: HSRB Auditorium, 1760 Haygood Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322
Join us for Ronit Freeman, PhD's talk on the "Supramolecular Assembly of Mucus Instructs Airway Health and Disease" as part of our CF-AIR Research Workshop Seminar Series. Dr. Freeman is visiting from UNC Chapel Hill, where she leads a multidisciplinary team and conducts cross-functional research in the area of molecular self–assembly and biomaterials. She is an associate professor of applied physical sciences and biomedical engineering and a member of UNC's Marsico Lung Institute and Lineberger Cancer Center. Dr. Freeman is a Cottrell Scholar, a Scialog Fellow, and a Harrington Fellow, among other recognitions and awards.