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Junior Faculty Focused (JFF)
Leveraging Microfluidics to Investigate Erythrocyte Rigidity and Endothelial Dysfunction in Sickle Cell Disease
Christina Caruso, MD*
Mentor: Wilbur Lam, MD, PhD
A Prospective, Observational Cohort Study to Identify Children at Risk of Post-discharge Mortality in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Monrovia, Liberia
Chris Rees, MD, MPH*
Mentor: Cynthia Whitney, MD; Claudia Morris, MD; Robert Breiman, MD; Christopher Duggan, MD; Karim Manji, MD
Interactive Transition Support for Adolescents Living with HIV using Social Media: InTSHA - Long-term Outcomes
Brian Zanoni, MD, MPH*
Mentor: Vincent Marconi, MD
Center for Childhood Infections and Vaccines
Effect of NTCP variants on HBV infection
Eleftherios Michailids, PhD*
Saul Karpen, MD, PhD*
Marcus Autism Center
Continuous, Objective Measures of Social Contact: Maximizing the Value of an Innovative Process Measure for Classroom-based Early Intervention Research in Autism
Michael Siller, PhD*
Daniel Messinger, PhD*
Molecular Pathogenesis and Treatment of Sickle Cell Hepatopathy
Paul Dawson, PhD*
Children's Heart Research & Outcomes Center (HeRO)
Prediction of PDA morphology changes during transcatheter PDA stenting
Holly Bauser-Heaton, MD, PhD*
Lakshmi Dasi, PhD
Children's Center for Neurosciences Research (CCNR)
Elucidating the Potential for Combined Targeting of STAT3, IGFBP2, and WIP1 in Medulloblastoma
Kenney, Anna, PhD*
Improving diagnosis and predicting outcomes in neonatal encephalopathy
Utilizing Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction to Develop a Novel L-Asparaginase with Reduced Toxicity
Sunil Raikar, MD*
In-silico Modeling of Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia to Predict Patient Outcomes
Ryan Summers, MD*
Program Planning Pilot (P*3)
Program Planning Pilot to Establish a Center for Autistic Youth and Serious Behavior Problems
Nathan Call, PhD*