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Congratulations to the 2022 Warshaw Fellow and Buchter Resident Research Awardees!

  • July 1, 2022

Congratulations to the following fellows and residents whose research projects were selected for funding in the fifth cylce of the Warshaw Fellow Research Awards and Buchter Resident Research Awards.

These awards are named in honor of Dr. Barry Warshaw, Vice Chair of Education and Dr. Susie Buchter, Residency Program Director, for their pioneering and tireless efforts cultivating fellows and residents in the Department of Pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine.

2022 Southeastern Pediatric Research Conference Poster Award Winners

  • June 6, 2022

Congratulations to our 2022 Southeastern Pediatric Research Conference Poster Award Winners!

First Place Poster Winner
“Pain-free Microneedle based Subunit Vaccine Candidate against Respiratory Syncytial Virus affecting Pediatric Population”
Smital Rajan Patil; Menon, Ipshita; Kang, Sang-Moo and D'Souza, Martin

Second Place Poster Winner
"Pediatric Self Swabbing Guidelines for COVID-19” 
Cheryl Stone; Jesse J. Waggoner, Miriam B. Vos, Erika A. Tyburski, Phuong-Vi Nguyen, Jessica M. Ingersoll, Candace Miller, Julie Sullivan, Mark Griffiths, Cheryl Stone, Macarthur Benoit, Laura Benedit, Brooke Seitter, Robert Jerris, Joshua M. Levy, Colleen S. Kraft, Sarah Farmer, Amanda Foster, Anna Wood, Adrianna L. Westbrook, Claudia R. Morris, Usha N. Sathian, William Heetderks, Li Li, Kristian Roth, Mary Barcus, Timothy Stenzel, Greg S. Martin, Wilbur A. Lam

Third Place Poster Winner
“The Role of Concerns Regarding Teachers’ Division of Classroom Attention in the Formation of Inclusion Attitudes in Parents of Typically-developing Children: Considerations of Parents’ Social Justice-related Values” 
Asha RudrabhatlaMorgan, Lindee; and Siller, Michael

New Division Chief of Allergy/Immunology

  • February 15, 2022

We’re so pleased to announce the creation of a new independent Division of Allergy/Immunology, to be led by a new Division Chief, Dr. Brian Vickery!

Department of Pediatrics Ranked #4

  • February 15, 2022

The Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research has ranked Emory University’s Department of Pediatrics (DOP), the primary academic partner of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, No. 4 in the country for federal research dollars from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2021 for pediatrics departments. Congratulations to all! This is an honor and reflection of the hard work you put into research and helping to advance medical discoveries every day.  

Showing 21-27 of 27 Results