Faculty Directory

Jens Wrammert, PhD

Jens Wrammert, PhD headshot

Associate Professor

Division of Infectious Diseases
Department of Pediatrics

Center for Childhood Infections and Vaccines

Emory Vaccine Center
Emory University School of Medicine

Emory Center for AIDS Research

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The Wrammert Laboratory is focused on understanding the induction and maintenance of humoral immunity following infection or vaccination. To this end we have ongoing studies spanning B cell responses against several pathogens of major importance for human health. These include influenza, dengue and SIV/HIV, and more recently also Vibrio cholerae. Over the last years my lab has also focused additional efforts on Zika virus infection and cross-reactive immune responses between dengue and Zika. I have pioneered single cell technology for producing fully human monoclonal antibodies, against a host of different pathogens, from both plasmablasts and antigen-specific memory B cells. Using these approaches, we have been able to analyze the details of the induced antibody responses at a monoclonal level in terms of epitope specificity, affinity and functional properties (i.e viral neutralization). In addition, the panels of human monoclonal antibodies often generate reagents with both diagnostic or therapeutic potential. The knowledge gained from these studies will further our understanding of B cell responses against infectious diseases and vaccines, as well as guide future efforts in vaccine design and development.

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