By the time residents complete the PRISE or PRISE+ program, they should have:
- Produced academic presentations, including poster or oral presentations.
- Applied for at least one research award, internal or external.
- Applied for or be prepared to apply for at least one external funding opportunity.
- Published or have prepared to publish at least one scientific manuscript for publication.
- Applied to or be in the process of applying to a fellowship.
By the time residents complete the PRISE or PRISE+ program, they will be able to:
- Construct viable research questions and related study designs.
- Conduct a complete research study.
- Correctly identify the key elements of human subjects regulations and other regulatory concerns related to study design and completion.
- Examine the ethical implications of scientific studies, specifically those studies they design or participate in.
- Assess the applicability of scientific journals, publication venues, and funding opportunities for their research and career goals.
- Write key types of scientific documents for publication, such as abstracts, case reports, and manuscripts, among others.
- Create effective oral communication for scientific audiences, including related visual aids.
- Write in genres required for funding opportunities, such as grants and research awards.
- Understand the dynamics of mentor/mentee relationships, including a range of professional interpersonal and networking skills or relationships.
PRISE Program Requirements
Below are the requirements that must be met to complete the PRISE Program. Some of the general program requirements are completed in Year 1, some in Year 2+, and some are completed at the discretion of the resident.
- Attend initial intake appointment
- Attend mid-year check-in appointments
- Create an Individual Research Plan with research mentor. Update as necessary
- Maintain 80% attendance for all required PRISE curriculum sessions, unless otherwise excused in advance by PRISE Program Directors
- Take at least one research elective, ideally during their second year of residency (for general PRISE residents only)
- Submit to a funding opportunity, like the Buchter Resident Research Award
- Complete at least 2 oral or poster presentations, which may include 1 work-in-progress presentation at a curriculum session
- Complete exit interview
In addition to the above requirements, PRISE + PSTP residents also:
- Form a Scholarship Oversight Committee, with regularly scheduled check-ins
- Apply to IRP/ARP tracks via the General Residency Program
- Apply to a Fellowship
PRISE and PRISE+ residents, including those in either PSTP pathways, participate in monthly curriculum sessions in their first year in the PRISE track. Starting in their second year, PRISE and PRISE+ residents curate their activities based on their research interests, as well as partaking in peer workshops on funding applications and presenting their work-in-progress to the entire PRISE community.
To see the 2024 Curriculum Calendar, click here.
To see curriculum requirements and a sample curriculum calendar for the PRISE track, click here.