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Warshaw Fellow Research Award & Buchter Resident Research Award

The Warshaw Fellow Research Award and Buchter Resident Research Award were created in 2017 to encourage pediatric trainees to engage in high quality research, provide a mechanism to fund trainee projects, and enhance the research environment at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Funds may be used for any type of child health-related research, including basic, clinical, translational, and outcomes research.

Photo of Bottles

Research means a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. 

All proposed research projects must meet this definition, be hypothesis driven and describe a discrete project that can be accomplished in the time and budget allotted. 

All applications are due April 1st.



  • Warshaw Fellow Research Award: Any medical fellow at Emory provided their research is advances child health, and their primary mentor has a faculty appointment in the Emory Department of Pediatrics or in an academic department within the Emory + Children's Pediatric Institute. Typical applicants are first- and second-year fellows, but any stage medical fellow may apply. Contact Megan Vallowe if you have questions about eligibility.

  • Buchter Resident Research Award: Medical residents within the Emory Department of Pediatrics. Typical applicants are second and third year residents, but any pediatric resident may apply. Residents outside of the Department of Pediatrics may still be eligible if their project is related to child-health; contact Megan Vallowe prior to submitting an application.


  • The budget period for all projects is July 1 through June 30. 
  • Fellows may request a maximum of $5,000 and residents may request a maximum of $2,500.
  • Budgets must use the Required Template found on the How to Apply page
  • Exceptions:
    • Trainees may request a two-year project period within the same budget limits ($5,000 for fellows and $2,500 for residents), as long as the project period ends before their training program ends.
    • Previous awardees may request additional funding (in excess of their original maximum award of $5,000 or $2,500) by submitting an application in response to the subsequent year's RFA. Award decisions will be based on demonstrated progress in the first year of funding.
  • Please see the Frequently Asked Questions section on the Resources & Help page for examples of allowable expenses. Funds may not be used for travel, conference registration fees, classes, workshops, or other PI education/training expenses except in very specific cases where there is strong justification that the activity is directly related to the specific research aims.


  • Applicants must propose a hypothesis driven project specifying an end product of their proposed project. For Buchter applicants, the end product can be a presentation, manuscript, grant application or other scholarly deliverable. For Warshaw applicants, the end product must assist in the completion of the scholarly product required for fellowship compleition. Most often this is a manuscript. Fellows may also include presentations, grant applications or other scholarly deliverables as part of their end products. The end product must be completed by the end of the training program period and reported in our online grants management system.
  • Proper acknowledgement of this award must be included in all publications, oral and poster presentations, and abstracts that result from this project. Please use the following statement: "This research was supported by the Emory Department of Pediatrics and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta."
  • The principal investigator must respond in a timely manner to all requests for project updates.
  • The principal investigator must submit the project for presentation at department Resident/Fellow Research Day activities, and submit an abstract on the project to the Annual Southeastern Pediatric Research Conference.

Selection Criteria

  • Applications are reviewed and selected based on the NIH grant application scoring system.
  • Please click here to view an explanation of how this system has been adapted for use with the Warshaw Fellow Research Award and Buchter Resident Research Award. 
  • Historically, 40% of fellow applications and 86% of resident applications have been approved for funding.

We encourage you to attend our monthly K-Club seminars for information and guidance on research career development. Residents also are invited to participate in monthly PRISE curriculum meetings, whether formally participating in the PRISE track or not. Please contact Megan Vallowe if you are interested in attending!

Past Awardees

2023 Warshaw Fellow Research Awardee and Buchter Resident Research Awardees

2022 Warshaw Fellow Research Awardees and Buchter Resident Research Awardees

2021 Warshaw Fellow Research Awardees and Buchter Resident Research Awardees

2020 Warshaw Fellow Research Awardees and Buchter Resident Research Awardees

2019 Warshaw Fellow Research Awardees and Buchter Resident Research Awardees

2018 Fellow and Resident Research Fund Awardees

2017 Fellow and Resident Research Fund Awardees

How to Apply

Learn how to apply for the Warshaw Fellow Research Award & Buchter Resident Research Award

Resources & Help

Learn more about resources and help available to Warshaw applicants.

Key Contacts

Join the Pedsresearch Listserv

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