Application Components
All Applications are due April 1st.
Applications must include separate PDF files for each of the following items. All documents must be single-spaced, Arial, size 11 font, with .5" margins.
- Specific Aims (max. 1 page)
- Research Strategy (max. 2 pages plus references), significance must include the impact and relevance to child health
- Projects related to injury prevention, violence, firearms, overdoses, or adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), must include the impact and relevance to child health injury prevention research.
- NIH-style biosketches for the principal investigator and mentor(s) - use the fellowship format found here. Section D is NOT required for this application.
- Budget Justification (max. 1 page)
- Protections for Human Subjects Section, which must use this template (If applicable)
- Vertebrate animals research documentation, including an NIH-format vertebrate animals section (If applicable)
- Previous awardees requesting a second year of funding must also include a progress report on the first year of your project and explanation of how additional funding would enhance your project. (If applicable, max. 1 page)
- Letter(s) of support from your mentor(s) to demonstrate that adequate mentorship will be available to support the proposed study.
In addition to the above PDFs that will be attached to the application, you will also be asked to provide the following information. All components are entered directly into the application portal unless otherwise stipulated.
- Abstract that includes a summary of the specific aims (250 words - no references)
- Detailed line-item budget appropriate for the project time period. Budgets must use required Excel template, and detailed budget justification. Budgets must use the templates linked below.
- Proposed end product statement. This could be presenting an abstract at a regional or national meeting in your field, a manuscript or even a resulting grant application to further the research project. Statement should be as specific as possible (see example projects "Resources & Help" page)
Application Portals
All applications must be submitted electronically through the online application portals. The links below will become active when the portals open on 1/16/2025.