The Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University School of Medicine provides advanced clinical care, innovative treatment and research options for children and young adults. We are one of the largest pediatric cancer, hematology, blood and marrow transplant (BMT) programs in the country. In 2023, our faculty published more than 291 peer-reviewed publications highlighting innovative research findings and discoveries with 56 being first author papers and 94 senior author papers. We are grateful for the collaborative relationships we have with other pediatric hematologists and oncologists nationwide.

- Overall awards for Aflac-associated researchers totaled nearly $110 million
- 12 awarded at least $1 million
- 8 awarded at least $500k
- 27 received awards totaling over $100k
- Highlights included:
- IDIQ Contract from the NIH to serve as the primary diagnostic test validation center - $49.8 million received in FY23 (Wilbur Lam)
- CURE Childhood Cancer $1.5 million grant to support Aflac's Precision Medicine Program (Sharon Castellino, Kelly Goldsmith, Tobey MacDonald, Chris Porter, and Ryan Summers)
- Katz Foundation $5 million grant to support Sickle Cell Disease quality initiatives (Beatrice Gee)