Access to instrumentation will be granted after training or an induction has been completed.
Flow Cytometry Core Equipment
Lab E-362, Health Sciences Research Building (404-712-6615)
- BD FACSymphony A5 (5-Laser 355, 405, 488, 561 and 640)
- BC Cytoflex Flow Cytometer (4-Laser with plate loader)
- Cytek Aurora (5-Laser with plate loader)
- Cytek Aurora (4-Laser with plate loader)
- Intellicyt iQue3 - High Througput Cytometer (3-laser with plate loader)
- Imagestream X Mark II Imaging Cytometer
- Offline Analysis Workstation 1 - Flowjo and Ideas software are offered free of charge on this computer.
- Centrifuge
Lab E-362A, Health Sciences Research Building
- BD FACS Discover S8 Cell Sorter (up to BSL-2+ Cell Sorting)
Lab E-362B, Health Sciences Research Building
- Cytek Aurora CS Cell Sorter (up to BSL-2+ Cell Sorting)
Lab B-3202, Winship Building B
- Cytek Aurora (5-Laser with plate loader)
Lab C-5027, Winship Building C (404-727-6852)
- Cytek Aurora (5-laser with plate loader)
- BD FACSymphony A3 (5-Laser 355, 405, 488, 561 and 640)
- BD FACSymphony A1 (4-Laser - 405, 488, 561 and 640)
- Offline Analysis Workstation 2 - Flowjo software is offered free of charge on this computer.
Instrument Standard Filter Set*
* Not all filters are suitable for all fluorochromes, please speak to a member of the facility if you require different or more optimal filters.
Further information on all of our instruments can be found here.
Reporting Instrument Issues
The Emory + Pediatrics/Winship flow cytometry core is pleased to announce that we can offer remote support on some of our instruments.
If a staff member is available they will provide you with a zoom link for you to click on, this will open up a Zoom Meeting and allow two way communication via camera/microphone as well as screen sharing and control.
To request support:
Submit a Low priority Incident Report as usual via PPMS. If a staff member is available they will email you a link to click on within 5 minutes. (If you do not receive a link within this timeframe then staff are not available).
A remote session will open, you may be requested to give permission for a member of staff to share and control the screen, they will walk you through the steps.
We hope that this will provide a quicker way to assist users to resolve most issues without an in person visit.
Support is available on the following instruments:
FACSymphony A5 – Orac (
FACSymphony A3 – Liberator (
Cytek Aurora – Zen (
Cytek Aurora – Avon (
BC Cytoflex - The Hooded Claw (
Imagestream (ISX) – The Buzzwagon (
FACS Aria II – The Mean Machine (for live viewing of your sort) -