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Education and Training

Emory CHIRPSS Grapchi

Education and Training forms a key component of the PRDC, predominately through the Emory Child Health Initiative to Reduce the Physician-Scientist Shortage (CHIRPSS). This broad curricular initiative intervenes in various stages of the Physician-Scientist career (from Resident Scholars to Early Career Researchers) to prepare scholars for the rigorous research environment they are entering. Created specifically to address the identified problem of the loss of potential physician-scientists, CHIRPPS focuses exclusively on the population of scholars that benefit from training programs like the R38, T32, K12, and KL2, and offers a variety of curriculum and evaluation resources and support services. In addition to CHIRPSS, the Core also offers a wide-variety of workshops, career development events, and mentor training.

The PRDC offers several types of Education and Training Services, each of which are described in more detail below. Services include:

  • One-on-one writing consultations for DOP Residents and Fellows
  • Education-related workshops and events
  • Educational material creation
  • Curriculum development consultations for training grants 

Education and Training Services

The PRDC offers one-on-one writing assistance for DOP trainees. Writing consultations do not include copyediting (offered through the General Services).

Instead, the consultations help trainees understand and revise the different components and expectations of:

  • funding applications,
  • manuscripts,
  • abstracts,
  • presentations (oral and poster).

Drafts are discussed live with PRDC staff. 

Requests are accepted based on availability of Core staff. All writing consultations occur via a Teams video call.

The PRDC regularly leads and co-designs trainee-focused workshops and DOP-wide educational events. These events are usually focused on improving scientific communications, from writing abstracts up through compiling your first funding application.

The Core also participates in near-peer mentoring events, as well as facilitates cross-training grant collaborations that seek to improve the Physician Scientist Pathway.

Examples of previous workshops and events include:

  • K Workshop for Fellows
  • Grantsmanship for Residents
  • Rapid Fire Oral Presentations

DOP members can request Core assitance in developing or to participate in workshops or trainee-focused events. All requests require a 2 month lead time. 

Core staff have a cumulative 35 years of education and curriculum development experience that DOP members can draw on to gain advice or feedback on their research education programs. The Core also produces educational materials for the DOP, such as the existing mentoring curriculum series (linked below). 

New/Renewing Training Grant Applications - Curriculum Consultations (5-10 hours)

NOTE this is different from the Proposal Development services offered by the Core, which typically does NOT include creating/writing key components of grant applications.

  • 1-hour initial meeting to discuss needs and services desired
  • The Core does NOT create data tables. Use the Emory's Training Grant Support Office (TGSO) for that AND for logic model creation.
    • If the TGSO is too busy to complete a logic model, the Core can create one for you.
  • After the creation of a logic model, the Core can help to write/design:
    • the evaluation plan,
    • determine appropriate evaluation tools,
    • determine assessment metrics,
    • create the diversity recruitment and retention plan, including relevant evaluation components.

Existing Training Grant Curriculum & Evaluation Consultation

NOTE: the Core does NOT write RPPRs, deploy evaluation tools for PIs, or track tool usage. The Core can, however, train someone on your grant’s team to do these things.

  • 1-hour initial meeting to discuss needs/problems and services desired
  • Tier 1: Consultations for Improvement (1-3 hours)
    • Consultations on improving existing curriculum design and evaluation plans for existing training grants.
  • Tier 2: Evaluation Design (15-40hours)
    • Design of evaluation materials, tools, and tracking systems

Requests for assitance in producing education materials or for curriculum development consultations require a minimum 1 month lead time. Preference is given to requests related to developing or renewing training grants that will improve the physician scientist pathway. 

Complete our PRDC Service Request Form (you will be redirected to an online request system where you will be asked to create an account, if you do not already have one set up).

The Core is generously supported by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University. When using work that was completed or assisted by the Core, please include "Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University Pediatric Research Development Core" in the acknowledgments. To determine if you should use "Children's Healthcare of Atlanta" in your author affiliations, please see guidelines here.

Existing Educational Materials

The short video below will take you through the first part of a successful Specific Aims page. 

The second video on constructing your Specific Aims page focuses on building the content of the Aims themselves.


Meet the Team

Julie Hawk, PhD

Core Director, Pediatric Research Development Core

Megan Vallowe, PhD

Co-Director, Pediatric Research Development Core

Upcoming Events

Mon Mar 311:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar-Lisa Marie Cranmer
Fri Apr 48:30AM-5:30PM
Emory Physician Scientist Symposium
Mon Apr 71:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Rafael Medina
Mon Apr 141:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Dariana Torres Riveira
Mon Apr 211:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Sara Sagadiev
Mon Apr 281:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Chris Scharer
Mon May 51:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Erin Scherer
Mon May 121:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Devyani Joshi
Mon May 191:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Ashish Sharma

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