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Pricing & Policies

We provide support and advice on the conduct of correlative biology studies associated with clinical trials from initial study design and planning through the implementation and interpretation of molecular assays of drug targets and genomic correlates of disease. Budgets are available upon request.

Academic Biospecimen Processing Rates (effective 2/1/2024):

Kit based studies, or custom services, are billed according to time.  Investigators must consult Dr. Mimi Le to determine pricing.  Custom services utilizing core supplies will also be billed the market supply rate*.  

  • Plasma/Serum & Others** = $20, per unit
  • PBMC*** = $36, per unit
  • Consultation/labor = $43, per hour
  • Long-term storage = $9/box/year

* Kit based studies, or custom services, are billed according to time. Custom services utilizing core supplies will also be billed the market supply rate. Investigators must consult Dr. Mimi Le to determine specific pricing before initiating a new study.

** Plasma/Serum & Others includes the standardized processing of Plasma, Serum, Biopsy, Blood Spot Card, Saliva, Stool, Urine and Fresh Whole blood. Extra processing time and supply cost from a specific request will charge with the hourly rate and market supply rate.

*** PBMC includes PBMC viably frozen sample, plasma aliquot sample and viably frozen + plasma aliquot sample.

Please contact Dr. Mimi Le for industry rates.

Core Facilities are required to review rates on an annual basis and rates are subject to change.  Users with long-term projects should anticipate some increase in cost over the course of the study and budget accordingly.  

Subsidy Policy

The Emory University Children’s Clinical and Translational Discovery Core (CTDC) is generously supported by the Emory University Department of Pediatrics and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. 

  • We offer generous subsidies off the list price to Department of Pediatrics researchers who are leading investigator-initiated studies.  
  • Additional consideration will be given to investigators outside of the Department of Pediatrics who are conducting investigator-initiated research that may have an impact on pediatric patients. Investigators outside of the Department of Pediatrics who would like to request a subsidy should send an email request to Dr. Mimi Le stating the project title, funding source, and a brief justification of how the research is child health related. These requests will be evaluated by the CTDC Operations team. 
  • Each investigator may receive up to, but not exceeding, $5,000 in subsidies each fiscal year.
  • Subsidies are not provided for any industry initiated studies.

Billing Policy (effective 9/1/2024)

New and existing projects are required to provide a non-sponsored/backup speedtype to avoid lapse of payment. Non-sponsored or backup speedtype will only be used when the study speedtype is in the process of renewal or the grant period has ended to avoid lapse of payment. In the case that the primary or backup speedtype is not active to pay for services performed by the CTDC, the division will be responsible for payment consistent with Emory fiscal policies. Failure to pay for overdue services after 2 months may results in suspension of core services until the invoices are paid in full.

Meet the Team

Chris Porter, MD

Scientific Director, Children’s Clinical and Translational Discovery Core

Mimi Le, PhD

Technical Director, Children's Clinical and Translational Discovery Core

Upcoming Events

Fri Apr 48:30AM-5:30PM
Emory Physician Scientist Symposium
Mon Apr 71:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Rafael Medina
Mon Apr 141:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Dariana Torres Riveira
Thu Apr 173:00PM-4:00PM
GENI Research in Progress Seminar
Mon Apr 211:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Sara Sagadiev
Mon Apr 281:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Chris Scharer
Mon May 51:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Erin Scherer
Mon May 121:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Devyani Joshi
Mon May 191:00PM-2:00PM
CCIV Seminar- Ashish Sharma

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