The Emory Pediatrics/Winship Flow Cytomtery core has three 5-Laser Cytek Aurora's, one is located in the main core lab (HSRB E-362), one in our lab located in Winship Buidling C on the 5th floor (Room - C5027) and the third one in our lab located in Winship Buidling B on the 3rd floor (Room - B3202). Our one, 4-laser Aurora can be found in the main core lab (HSRB E-362B).
A helpful guide to all of Cytek's Training Videos: Spectroflo VIdeo Tutorials Guide
- Aurora Fluorochrome Guidlines for 5-Laser System
- Aurora Fluorochrome Guidlines for 4-Laser System - Updated March 2019
- Autofluorescence Extraction
- Autofluorescence Extraction Video
- 24-color dyes Example for use on the Aurora
- Fluorochrome Peak Channels - AURORA
- Spectroflo Release Notes
- Evaluating spectral cytometry for immune profiling in viral disease
- Aurora User Manual
Aurora Links
- Spectral Flow Cytometry Assays and Reagents - Thermofisher
- Biolegend and the Aurora
- Important Communication regarding unusual fluorescent signals in a subset of donor samples
Aurora Spectra Viewers
Video Tutorials