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Pediatric Biostatistics Award

The Pediatric Biostatistics Award is intended to support investigators working on projects that can lead to impactful child health research in the future. Each project will be awarded up to 30 hours of biostatistics support. 

Projects funded by this award mechanism should add the following acknowledgment in their publications: "The authors would like to acknowledge the institutional support of the Pediatric Biostatistics Core (RRID:SCR_025834) from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University".  

Award Application Form


  • The Principal Investigator (PI) (or co-PIs) on the application must be engaged in child health research.
  • Investigators have no or limited funding for biostatistical support.
  • Projects must have well-defined aims and hypotheses.
  • A fully specified data dictionary is required (template enclosed on the application form).
  • Funding can only be used towards biostatistical support.
  • Proposals that are not awarded are eligible for resubmission.


Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis within three review cycles with the specific timeline below.

Biostats Award Cycle


Proposals will be evaluated by the following criteria:

  • Potential impact on child health
  • Quality of aims and hypotheses
  • Appropriateness and feasibility of study design
    • Data collection
    • Recruitment
    • Sample size
    • Deliverable


Award Application Form     Contact Clovis Sarmiento with questions.

Previous Pediatric Biostatistics Award Recipients

Two projects were funded out of three applications in Cycle 3:

  • Shuai Hao (Fellow, Endocrinology), "Predictors of Insulin Independence in Pediatric Patients with Ketosis Prone Type 2 Diabetes "
  • Kristin Limpose (Resident) / Elizabeth Sewell (Faculty, General Pediatrics), "Neonatal meningitis rates associated with timing and placement of ventriculoperitoneal shunt and gastrostomy tubes in infants with hydrocephalus"

Four projects were funded out of nine applications in Cycle 1.

  • Huan Ting (Tim) Chang (Fellow, Child Abuse Pediatrics), "Linear Skull Fractures: Who Can Evade Additional Radiation?"
  • Sandeep Riar (Faculty, Nephrology), "Within-visit Blood Pressure Variability in Children in an Analysis of NHANES data"
  • Huan Ting (Tim) Chang (Fellow, Child Abuse Pediatrics), "Suspected Infant Non-Accidental Trauma Versus Neonatal Fever: Which Is Taken More Seriously?"
  • Ashley Hackett (Resident, Neurology), "Seizures and Epilepsy in the Leukodystrophies" 

Three projects were funded out of eight applications in Cycle 2.

  • Mariah Burch (Fellow, Hospital Medicine), "Reducing Unnecessary NPO Time"
  • Sheila McThenia (Fellow, Hematology/Oncology), "Outcomes utilizing BRAF inhibition monotherapy in BRAFV600E mutated pediatric low-grade glioma"
  • Ashley Fournier-Goodnight (Faculty, Neuropsychology), "Early neurobehavioral outcomes in patients with suspected abusive head trauma receiving inpatient neurorehabilitation"

Two projects were funded out of three applications in Cycle 3.

  • Kathleen Cao (Fellow, Critical Care), "Retrospective Analysis of Patients Meeting IPSO Sepsis Criteria and Evaluation of Outcomes for Future Quality Improvement Initiatives"
  • Norman Todd (Faculty, Otolaryngology), "Observer agreement on the intra-operative identification of electrically elicited stapedius reflex thresholds intra-operative visualization study"

Three projects were funded out of seven applications in Cycle 1:

  • Cia Bishop (Faculty, Palliative Care Medicine), "Role of Palliative Care in Patients with Leukodystrophy"
    Joseph Needleman (Fellow, Cardiology), "Clinical Improvements from Baseline After Leadless Pacemakers Study (ClImB ALPS)"
  • Michelle Yoo (Fellow, Pulmonology/Asthma/Cystic Fibrosis), "Impact of sickle cell disease modifying therapies on pediatric sleep"

Four projects were funded out of seven applications in Cycle 2:

  • Kathleen Cao (Fellow, Critical Care Medicine), "Improving Resident Knowledge and Comfort in Managing PICU Patients Through a Fellow-Led Structured Curriculum"
  • Madhuri Prasad (Fellow, Hospital Medicine), "Standardizing Simulation Curriculum in Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowships: A National Needs Assessment"
  • Mary Katherine Douthit (Fellow, Endocrinology), "Potassium chloride vs potassium acetate as a fluid additive in the treatment of pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis"
  • Rebecca Gaillard (Resident, Dentistry), "Predicting Succesful Outcomes with Nasoalveolar Molding (NAM) Therapy"

Thanks to the exceptional quality of applications, all four projects submitted in the 2024 Cycle 3 were successfully funded:

  • Erika Choi (Fellow, Endocrinology), "Characteristics of youth with type 2 diabetes prescribed sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors surrounding FDA approval at an academic pediatric medical center"
  • Abigail Schnaith (Fellow, Nephrology), "Clinical characteristics and risk factors for complications in patients with chronic kidney disease who underwent bilateral nephrectomies or unilateral nephrectomy of a single kidney resulting in anuria"
  • Caroline Young (Fellow, Critical Care Medicine), "Bridging Gaps in Care: An Analysis of Safety, Equity and Efficiency of Direct Admissions in a Large Quaternary Children's Hospital"
  • Tahira West (Fellow, Critical Care Medicine), "The Collaboration between PICU, PACT, and BMT Teams  for Critically-Ill patients in the ICU"

Meet the Team

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Mon Mar 311:00PM-2:00PM
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Mon Apr 71:00PM-2:00PM
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Mon Apr 141:00PM-2:00PM
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Mon Apr 211:00PM-2:00PM
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Mon Apr 281:00PM-2:00PM
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Mon May 51:00PM-2:00PM
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Mon May 121:00PM-2:00PM
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