Pediatric Research Alliance affiliated researchers have access to equipment at Georgia Tech.
Chemistry and Biochemistry College Of Sciences
Contact: Leslie Gelbaum
The Georgia Tech NMR center is a campus-wide facility located in the new Molecular Sciences and Engineering (MoSE) building.
901 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332
(404) 894-4002
Institue for Electronics and Nanotechnology
Contact: IEN
The Institue for Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEN) is a Georgia Tech interdisciplinary research institute designed to enhance support for rapidly growith research progrms spanning biomedicine, materials, electronics, and nanotechnology. The IEN is comprised of labs and cleanrooms in several buildings on the Georgia Tech campus with a wide variety of processing and materials support, along with the expertise of the IEN staff.
345 Ferst Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30332
(404) 894-5100
Parker H. Petit Institue for Bioengineering & Bioscience Core Facilities
Contact: Steve Woodard
State-of-the-art research facility that seves as a shared resource for the bioengineering and bioscience community. Consultation, training, and technical support is available for a variety of reseach projects. In order to reserve core facilities equipment you must register to use the iLab Solutions system.
315 Ferst Dr. NW
Atlanta, GA 30332
(404) 894-2291