The Office of Research Compliance (ORC) is committed to the development of a Research Compliance Program that includes distribution of written policies, procedures, and standards of conduct that promote adherence to applicable federal and Georgia State laws, regulations and institutional policies.
For complete information, please visit CHOA Research .
Office of Research Compliance
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
1687 Tullie Circle
Atlanta, GA 30084
Phone: 404-785-7146
Fax: 404-785-9470
Emory CTAC
The Emory Clinical Trials Audit and Compliance (CTAC) office works to ensure compliance in clinical trials at Emory by:
Reviewing the conduct of clinincal trials for compliance with federal regulations, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), sponsor requirements, and Institutional policies.
Educating study teams on best practices as part of GCP to meet federal regulatory requirements.
Providing tools, such as delegation of authority logs and study checklists, to study teams to enhance documentation of compliance.
Advising and consulting study teams based on specific needs of a clinical trial or clinical department at Emory.
For complete information, please visit Emory CTAC .
1599 Clifton Rd.
Suites 5.104 and 5.105
Atlanta, GA 30322
Phone (404) 712-5159
Fax (404) 712-8580
Emory Office of Compliance
The Emory Office of Compliance is committed to helping ensure that Emory University’s activities adhere to the highest legal, professional, and ethical standards. The Office of Compliance assists University units in complying with the laws, regulations and policies that govern institutions of research and higher education through education; assessment; assistance with policy and process development; auditing; and monitoring.
For complete information, please visit the Emory Office of Compliance website.
Trust Line for Compliance Concerns (toll free) 1-888-550-8850
Office of Compliance
Emory University
1599 Clifton Road, NE, 4TH Floor
Mailstop: 1599-001-1AY
Atlanta, GA 30322
Phone: (404) 727-2398
FAX: (404) 727-2328
CHOA Conflict of Interest Office
Individual interests may present real or perceived risks to the welfare and rights to human subject research and the integrity of the research at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Full disclosure and openness of potential and actual conflicts of interest (both financial and non-financial) must be reported, reviewed and managed.
For complete information, please visit the CHOA COI.
Emory Conflict of Interest Office
The Conflict of Interest Review Office provides oversight, systemic safeguards, and regulatory expertise in managing individual and institutional financial interests that could impact research and scholarly activities. In doing so, we support Emory investigators and scholars in maintaining integrity in their research efforts.
For complete information, please visit the Emory COI website.
Conflict of Interest Review Office
1599 Clifton Road
6th Floor East
Atlanta, GA 30322
Phone: (404)712-0046
Fax: (404)712-0069
The Office of Research Integrity and Compliance (ORIC) provides education and compliance consultation in order to assure that investigations conform to applicable regulations. ORIC serves as a resource for investigators subject to inspections/audits by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). If you have been contacted by the FDA regarding an inspection/audit, please contact us at ORIC Emory.
More information on IND or IDE studies may be found here.
Investigator's Brochure (IB)
- To document that relevant and current scientific information about the investigational product has been provided to the investigator
- Typically there is a signature page in the IB that should be signed by the Principal Investigator (PI) and returned to the study sponsor
- A copy of the IB signature page should be retained
- When updated IBs are issued, they should be filed accordingly. Outdated IBs should not be removed from the file
FDA Form 1572
- To document the agreement of the investigator to provide certain information to the sponsor and to assure that he/she will comply with FDA regulations related to the conduct of a clinical investigation of an investigational drug or biologic
Financial Disclosure Form (FDF)
- To document the financial agreement between investigator/institution and the trial sponsor
- A FDF must be completed and signed by each investigator. The original must be returned to the study sponsor and a copy retained
- A new FDF must be completed any time there is a change in the investigator's financial situation (i.e. stock purchases, etc.)
- Everyone listed on the 1572 must have a FDF on file
Master Clinical Trial Agreement (MCTA)
- To document agreements between the PI/institution and the study sponsor and/or CRO
IRB Approval
- To document that the trial has been subject to IRB review approval
IRB Roster
- To document that the IRB is constituted in agreement with Good Clinical Practice
- The Federalwide Assurance (FWA) number can be provided in lieu of an IRB roster
IRB Correspondence
- To document all correspondence between the study site and IRB.
- This should include all email correspondence.
Protocol and Amendments
- Typically there is a signature page in the protocol/amendment that should be signed by the Principal Investigator (PI) and returned to the study sponsor
- A copy of the protocol/amendment signature page should be retained
- When amendments are issued, they should be filed accordingly. Outdated protocols should not be removed from the file
Information Given to a Study Participant
Informed Consent
- To document the informed consent process
- This document must be approved by the IRB before it can be used
- Utilize an informed consent process note to ensure all procedures were conducted during the informed consent process
Other written material
- Any patient facing material must be approved by the IRB before distribution
- Examples include: patient diaries (electronic screenshots should be submitted), informational pamplets, drug preparation instructions, etc.)
Recruitment Advertisement
- To document that recruitment measures are appropriate and not coercive
- This document must be approved by the IRB before it can be used
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- To document qualifications and eligibility to conduct trial and/or provide medical supervision of study participants
- Required for each investigator participating in the research study
- CVs must be current and updated every two years, indicate the investigator's association with the institution where the research study is being conducted, and display the address noted on the 1572 (when applicable)
- TIP: It's good to keep a master file of investigator CVs so they are available for all studies. This works for medical licenses as well as lab certifications. If you choose to save your CVs, medical licensures, etc. in one central location, you can make a note to file (NTF) stating the location of the documents to place in your regulatory binder as long as the files are accessible to the monitor and auditors during visits.
Medical Licensure
- To document qualifications and eligibility to conduct trial and/or provide medical supervision of study participants
- Required for each investigator who is a medical doctor participating in the research study
- All licenses must be current
- Expired licenses should not be removed from the file
Delegation of Responsibilities Log/Delegation of Authority Log
- To document the investigator's delegation of certain responsibilities to study personnel in order to conduct the clinical trial.
Training Records
- To document that study personnel have received adequate study-specific training in order to execute the protocol.
- The training record should reflect appropriate training for all study personnel.
- This can include training on specimen collection, handling, and storage.
Laboratory Certification or Accreditation
- To document competence of facility to perform required tests and to support the reliability of results
- Many sponsors require both CAP and CLIA certification
- Certifications must be current
- Expired certifications should not be removed from the file
Laboratory Normal Values
- To document normal values and/or ranges of the tests
Monitor Visit Reports
- To document the completed activities and to address any issues noted during a monitor visit.
- Site Selection Visit (Pre-Trial Monitoring) Report
- Site Initiation Report or Investigator Meeting attendance record
- interim monitoring Visit Reports
- Close-out Visit Report
Sponsor Correspondence
- To document all correspondence between the study site and sponsor/CRO.
- This should include all email correspondence.
Miscellaneous Documentation
- Instructions for handling investigational product and trial-related materials
- Shipping records for investigational products and trial-related materials
- Decoding procedures for blinded trials
- Source Documents-To document the existence of the subject and substantiate integrity of trial data collected. See data management section for more information
- Notification of Serious Adverse Events by Investigator to Sponsor-Notification by originating investigator to sponsor of Serious Adverse Events and related reports. See AE/SAE reporting for more information
- Notification of Serious Adverse Events by Sponsor to Regulatory Authorities
- Notification by sponsor and/or investigator to regulatory authorities and IRB of unexpected Serious Adverse Events. See section on SAEs for more information.
- Subject Screening Log-To document identification of subjects who entered pre-trial screening
- Subject Identification Log-To document that investigator/institution keeps a confidential list of names of all subjects. Allows investigator/institution to reveal identity of any subject
- Subject Enrollment Log-To document chronological enrollment of subjects by trial number
- Signature Sheet-To document signatures and initials of all personnel participating in the research study
- Investigational Product Accountability Log-To document that investigational products have been used according to the protocol. Investigational drug services will have this on file
- Documentation of Investigational Drug Destruction-To document destruction of unused investigational products by sponsor or at site
Additional Resources:
Emory | CHOA | |
Local Lab | Laboratory Director, CV, and License EML Reference Ranges (see "Quick Links" on right) | EG and Lab Certifications |
Investigational Drug Services | Director, CV, License, and SOPs | |
Institutional Review Board | ||
IRB Meeting Schedule |