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CF Center of Excellence


Emory University, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, and the CF Foundation have made large investments in CF care and research at the Emory+Children’s CF Center, including support for clinical operations, for clinical research, and for education, the establishment of an independent Adult CF Program, and the establishment of the Emory+Children’s Center for CF and Airways Disease Research to bring new approaches to basic and translational research in CF. Our CF researchers and clinicians are working together to leverage these commitments, our unique inter-institutional research strengths, and our relationships with scientists and engineers at Georgia Tech to establish a Center of Excellence in Cystic Fibrosis research, education, and care: “CF@LANTA”. Our program will transform the approach to this deadly disease. For more information, please click here

Our mission statement is here

Cystic Fibrosis Center of Excellence from Kindea Labs on Vimeo.

The goals of the Emory+Children’s Cystic Fibrosis Center of Excellence reflect each of the four components of the Center, as follows:

Provide the highest quality of care for our CF patients, such that ours is recognized as the CF program with the best outcome measures in the country. Learn more about our clinical care here.

Become the best center in the country for clinical research that helps bring to CF patients new therapies, drugs, and devices that improve the quality and longevity of their lives. Learn more about our clinical research here.

Foster the growth of the premier internationally-recognized interdisciplinary CF basic and translational research program that leads to new breakthroughs which will advance a deeper understanding of the mechanism of CF disease and thus identify completely new areas for clinical intervention. In addition, bring substantial new grant dollars, attract philanthropic support, and form a focus for recruiting stellar researchers by partnering with other Atlanta institutions to cure and control this high-visibility disease. Learn more about our basic and translational research here.

Train the next generation of top CF clinicians, researchers, and other healthcare workers in interdisciplinary care, and also support education of CF patients and their families. Learn more about education and outreach here.

Meet the Team

Nael McCarty, PhD

Center Director - CF-AIR and Marcus Professor of Cystic Fibrosis

Benjamin Kopp, MD, MPH, ATSF

Co-Director of CF-AIR and Director of the Pulmonary Sickle Cell Program

Arlene Stecenko, MD

Co-Director of the CF Center of Excellence, Marcus Professor of Pulmonology, and Director, Cystic Fibrosis Biospecimen Repository & The Georgia Cystic Fibrosis Data Warehouse

Marvin Whiteley, PhD

Co-Director, Emory-Children’s CF Center (CF@LANTA)

Kymry Jones, PhD

Associate Director, CF@LANTA Research

Clovis Sarmiento, MD

Associate Director of Progams, CF@LANTA and C3PO

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