CF-AIR and CF@LANTA Newsletters
An in-depth look at recent news and updates, research highlights, the impact of philanthropy, awards & accomplishments, and news around the lab.
- Director's Note and Updates
- Recent News: CF Family Education Day & Winter Bipartite
- Research Highlight: Alyftrek Treatment
- Spotlight on Clinical Research Coordinators
- Recent Awards and Accomplishments
- Upcoming Community Events: ShamRockin' For A Cure and Atlanta Great Strides
- Pilot Grants and Seminars
- Around the Research Organization and Contact Information
- Recent News and Updates: Awards & Distinctions, Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Center Highlight: NIH U24 grant to advance CF Research, Update on the CF Biospecimen Repository (CF-BR)
- Research Spotlight: Clinical Trial of Trikafta Treatment in Adolescents and Adults
- Impact of Philanthropy: The Flynn Family Foundation’s Sustained Support for Genetic Counseling and Quality Improvement
- Researcher Updates: Joanna Goldberg, PhD, Jocelyn Grunwell, MD, PhD, Brian Vickery, MD
- Research Awards & Accomplishments
- News Around the Lab
- Events & Contact Information
- P30 Renewal
- New Faculty: Drs. Kathryn Oliver and Benjamin Kopp
- 20th anniversary of the launch of Emory’s Adult CF Clinical Program
- Highlights
Events & Contact Information
Monthly Research Round-Up
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CF-AIR Past News Highlights
See what exciting things have been happening in CF-AIR by reading our past newsletters:
- June 2019
- October 2018
- April 2018
- December 2017
- September 2017
- April 2017
- December 2016
- July 2016
- February 2016
- October 2015
- June 2015
- March 2015--Special Edition
- February 2015
- October 2014
- May 2013
- July 2012
- September 2010
- June 2010
If you are interested in receiving the newsletter please contact Nael McCarty.
Click training opportunities to learn more information about this new CF@LANTA trainee fellowship.
2017 Awardees: Sheyda Azimi, PhD, Ashley Cross, and Camilla Margaroli
2015-2016 Awardees: Sam Molina, PhD and Brandon Stauffer.
Click here for videos from the event.
A full description of past successful CF Academy can be seen here.
The North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference was in Atlanta October 9-11, 2014. To celebrate this annual conference of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation being in the Center's backyard, there were a number of ancillary events sponsored by the Center. Please click below to see highlights of these events.
First Annual Dr. Daniel Caplan CF Family Science Dinner: photos
Mini-symposium on Early CF Lung Disease
CF in GA Cocktail Event: photos
CF Family Advisory Board NACFC Table: photos
Mini-symposium on Neutrophils in CF: Basic & Clinical Science
At the 28th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis meeting held in Atlanta on October 9-11, 2014 the Emory+Children’s CF Care Center was one of 9 Centers across the country to receive a Quality Care Award. This award was presented jointly to the Pediatric CF Program at Scottish Rite and the Emory+Children’s Pediatric CF program for our cross campus programs on screening for CF diabetes (which occurs in 20% of our teens with CF) and on the transition from pediatric to adult CF care called the “Journey to Independence”.
The criteria set forth by the CF Foundation for being considered for the award is sustained quality improvement work that improved outcomes. The Quality Improvement performance standards which the Committee used to identify Centers that meet this criteria included Centers that:
- Actively uses clinical outcomes data to identify opportunities for improvement and documents results of improvement efforts;
- Aligns improvement efforts to result in measurable improvement in important clinical outcomes (process improvement tied to clinical outcomes with Key Drivers);
- Consistently and actively involves patients and families in identifying, designing, and/or implementing improvement efforts;
- Employs innovative strategies to improve care processes and outcomes; and implements system changes that result in high reliability of care processes.
A major accomplishment in 2014 was the submission of an NIH P30 grant proposal, submitted to the NIDDK on June 18, 2014. This proposal, entitled the “CF Atlanta Research and Translation Core Center in CF Related Diabetes” (a.k.a., the CF@LANTA Core Center), requested funds to leverage the existing CF-AIR to continue to build infrastructure for CF research, especially in the topic of CF-related diabetes, which is a key research focus for the CF team. The project leverages the pilot program and the existing research cores, and represents a collaboration of 58 investigators at Emory and Georgia Tech who requested access to one or more of the five planned Cores (shown in dark blue in the graphic below) or sub-cores (shown in light blue).
The “Hack for CF” was a unique 27-hour non-stop conclave of scientists, technologists, developers, designers, subject-matter experts and others interested in furthering CF causes. Held at Georgia Tech October 5-6, 2013, the goal was to develop ideas that make a difference in the quality of life for people with CF. Over 90 individuals in 8 teams worked to solve real-world problems associated with CF. Using e-mail listservs and social media, patients and families were queried for ideas that could be tackled during the Hack or in projects that might take more than one night to address. Prizes went to: CF Digest for a project that used state-of-the-art natural language processing tools to classify 180,000 forum posts based on product relevance and sentiment to create a user-friendly product recommendation website (1st place); Track*D, a mobile-friendly website that allows CF patients to easily track their medical and therapeutic compliance, moods, energy, and other disease management routines (2nd place); and Awakening, an avatar-based game designed to motivate CF patients to engage in proactive self-care while providing valuable data to healthcare professionals and the CF community (3rd place). Some of these projects were presented at the 2014 North American CF Conference, held in Atlanta. If funding permits, our plan is to host a Hack for CF every few years, taking advantage of the growth of Atlanta as the national hub for healthcare information technology, and the availability of engineering-minded students and staff at Georgia Tech giving us the opportunity to solve real-world issues that are faced by our patients and families.